17 Jan

As the saying goes, novices practice the chest, and veterans practice the back. Back muscles are actually very difficult to train for bodybuilders. Unless you master the correct method and stick to it, you will see results. Generally speaking, it is a common practice to train the back muscles with equipment, and the results will be faster, but after all, not everyone has the time and energy to go to the gym, so if you are bare-handed, how should you train your back muscles? Get up and take a look. 

Method one: kneeling push-ups If you want to practice your back muscles with bare hands, you can try kneeling push-ups. Many people may think that kneeling push-ups are too simple, and they don’t even bother to do it. They think that they can do difficult push-ups. But for difficult push-ups, the exercise effect of the back muscles is definitely not as good as kneeling push-ups. When kneeling push-ups, you can stretch the back muscles as much as possible to help shape the back line. Although other push-ups are difficult, the target training is not the back muscles. 

Method 2: Lie on your back with your back lying on your back is also a good way to exercise your back muscles with bare hands. The intensity is not very high, suitable for both men and women. It mainly exercises the upper back. It will make the body stronger, stronger, and look more upright. The specific method is to lie on your back on a harder bed or yoga mat, with your legs bent, and your feet flat on the ground, like doing sit-ups, with your arms clamped IFAST flywheel bike on your body, your forearms are parallel to the ground, and your forearms are perpendicular to the ground. , And try to lift the body off the ground with the elbow as the focus point.

 Method 3: Prone rowing Practice the back muscles with bare hands. You can also do prone rowing. This action is relatively easy to do, mainly to shape the lines, and will not cause any damage to the body. The specific method is to lie down on the ground with your legs close together, straighten your muscles, and raise your arms until you reach the top of your head with your palms facing each other, and then draw back to the original positions from the sides of your body and repeat this action.

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